Periodic Table


1. In which of these molecules do the intermolecular forces arise largely from attractions between temporary dipoles?

2. What mass of silver is displaced from aqueous silver nitrate solution by 4.00 g magnesium? (Relative atomic masses: Mg = 24.3, Ag = 108)

3. In which of these pairs do both entities have the same electron configuration?

(i) Li and Na

(ii) Na+ and Mg2+

(iii) F- and Cl-

(iv) Cl- and Ar

4. The amount in moles of iodide ions oxidised by one mole of chlorine molecules is:

5. In which of these elements are the atoms or molecules closely packed but free to move around sliding past each other at room temperature?

(i) mercury

(ii) argon

(iii) bromine

(iv) iodine

6. What is the product of the reaction of but-2-ene with steam in the presence of a phosphoric acid catalyst?

7. Which of these alkenes will produce the largest %yield of 2-bromopentane when it is reacted with hydrogen bromide?

8. Which of these true statements help to explain why the values of the first ionisation enthalpies (energies) of the group 1 metals fall down the group from lithium to caesium?

(i) Down the group, the outer electron gets further from the nucleus

(ii) The charge on the nucleus increases down the group

(iii) Greater shielding means that the attraction between the nucleus and the outer electron reduces down the group

(iv) In all the atoms the outer electron is an s-electron

9. Calculate the mass of 0.100 mol of lead atoms

10. Calculate the temperature of a sample of ethene (in K) if 0.120 mol of ethene has a volume of 270cm3 and is at a pressure of 400kPa

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